JJCRS was created as the official scientific journal of Kaifukuki Rehabilitation Ward Association on Aug 6th, 2010. In addition, now JJCRS became an official journal of Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabiitation since Jan 1st, 2014. We signed a contract with PubmedCentral on 2023.10, so articles after the last article in 2020 (vol 11) are searchable on Pubmed.
This journal is open access and paperless. Japanese people can submit manuscript in Japanese at first even though JJCRS is an English journal. Everyone is permitted to submit articles about rehabilitation.
Remarks of Dr. Ishikawa, the deceased honorary president of Kaifukuki Rehabilitation Ward Association: click here
Vol. 16 linked (2025.2.27)
Vol. 15 linked (2024.4.2)
JJCRS is registered to Pubmed Central (2023.10.23)
Vol. 14 started (2023.1.28)
instructions to authors was revised (2022.8.1)
Vol. 13 started (2022.1.17)
Vol. 12 started (2021.1.25)
Vol. 11 started (2020.2.5)
External referee list is uploaded (2017.12.30)
Board list was uploaded (2017.10.29)
Vol. 8 started (2016.12.30)
Discount information was summarized (2014.1.1)
Reprint rule was uploaded (2013.11.24)
Articles of JJCRS can be searched by Ichushi engine (2012.11.28)
JJCRS joined the J-STAGE (Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic) (2012.3.3)
ISSN No. is fixed as 2185-5323. (2010.11.22)
Judgment is done in Japanese if authors are native Japanese language speakers. Accepted articles should be translated into English after judgment.
Both the journal management system "ELBIS" run by UMIN (University Hospital Medical Information Network) and "J-STAGE" platform were employed.